TheDM (15)

Cosmology and Religion

Creation Myth This is the generally accepted mythology of the origin of thinking peoples. (Yes, this is heavily drawn from the Heroes of the Feywild resource by WotC.) A further…

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Civilized Lands

These are the regions of the area that are β€œcivilized” in the sense that they have organized governments and largely abide by the rule of law. Or, at least are…

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Geography The Bonegate Gap is a barren highlands between the Spine Of Ahros to the south and the Howgath Deep to the north, and is home to the Bonegate tower.

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Longknife Marches

Ruler: His Honor, Baron of the Marches and Mayor of Longknife Town, Myron Wegrave Capital: Longknife Town (pop. 6200) Population: 25000 Towns and Villages: AskΓ₯d (pop. 1200), Fellby (pop. 750),…

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Wild Zones

Outside the civilized regions and the city states, there is much life, and it is generally fighting tooth and claw to survive and dominate. The islands that make up the…

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